GS QUESTION...... Substantiate, with examples, the view that the Indian Constitution is a hallmark of rigid and flexible constitution. How has this rigidity and flexibility helped the Indian Constitution for more than seven decades, while many other decolonised countries have either replaced or subverted their respective constitutions?

Question.. Substantiate, with examples, the view that the Indian Constitution is a hallmark of rigid and flexible constitution. How has this rigidity and flexibility helped the Indian Constitution for more than seven decades, while many other decolonised countries have either replaced or subverted their respective constitutions? POINTS -  I. Rigid & flexible feature of constitution  II. Features & nature of amendments of constitution  III. Features of Balance of change & continuity  IV. Conclusion  ANSWER -                  Based upon the provisions made for its amendment, a constitution can be flexible or rigid or a mixture of both. A flexible constitution can be amended by ordinary law-making exercise, while a rigid constitution can be amended by a very difficult and special procedure. As regards to Indian constitution, it strikes a balance between rigidi...

PSIR QUESTION.. ..Write short notes on Participatory Democracy

Question. ..Write short notes on Participatory Democracy

Points -

  1. Start with explaining democracyStart with explaining democracy
  2. You must then explain participative democracy
  3. Give brief difference with deliberative democracy
  4. Then give criticism of participative democracy
  5. Conclusion 

●Start with explaining democracy
James Bryce in his work “Modern Democracies” chiefly called democracy as the rule of people expressing their sovereign will and majority opinion determining legislation.
●You must then explain participative democracy 
Participative or direct democracy is a system of government in which all public decisions are taken by general body of citizens at their regular meetings. Rousseau is regarded as pioneer of participative democracy and in his classic work “The Social Contract” asserted that Government is only an instrument to carry out instructions of the general will which is convergence of real will of all members. He also called participative democracy as pre-requisite to freedom. Communitarians justify participation on the ground that it contributes to common good. Instrumental view asserts that citizen participation is aimed at promoting or defending the interests of the participants. Contemporary scholars like Amy Gutman are active proponents of participative democracy and instruments like Citizen Charter, Social Audit, Ombudsmen, EGovernance help in enhancing participation.
●Give brief difference with deliberative democracy 
Participative democracy is often confused with deliberative democracy where decision making should strike a balance between personal freedom and popular rule. Here, people try to influence each other through an accepted mode of reasoned argument.
●Then give criticism of participative democracy 
Critics point out that champions of participatory democracy insist only on increasing citizens’ participation but do not suggest any alternative system for its implementation.
Advocates of participative democracy seem to be too optimistic. Ortega Gasset in “Revolt of Masses” express fear that excessive participation may lead to mobocracy. Ordinary people are not endowed with adequate patience and insight that would enable them to make a correct assessment of the situation.
●Frame your conclusion on lines like World Bank view of Good Governance also emphasize on necessity of transparency, accountability which is not possible without participation of people, but such participation needs concrete action & not just theory.

Stay motivated 


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