Today's question 26.. Is the concept of balance of power still relevant in the 21st century? Give arguments in support of your views
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- Introduction: Explain the basic concepts related to balance of power
- Discuss the relevance of balance of power: Why there is a question mark?
- Conclusion:
Answer -
●Introduction: Explain the basic concepts related to balance of power.
Balance of power is considered as fundamental law of International politics at par with Newton’s theory of gravity . Balance of power is based on realist assumptions and is based on the interactions between states in Europe originating gin 17th century Westphalian world order.
Balance of power works in a situation of multi polarity. It is applicable in a regional context. The basic assumptions behind this theory are that international actor is absent, international politics is anarchical, nations are interested in protection of national interest.
For the sake of protection on national interest, nations are ready to go for war. Nobody is allowed to gain preponderance of power. If any actor tries to gain preponderance, other nation states will combine to check the rise of power.
Strategies adopted for balance of power include arms race, alliances, counter alliances, partitioning of territory and creation of a buffer zone.
●Discuss the relevance of balance of power: Why there is a question mark? Liberal scholars since the time of Woodrow Wilson have been sceptical of balance of power as a means for ensuring peace among states. Hence Wilson had proposed collective security as a alternative.
According to liberals, balance of power inoculates against measles but give raise to plague. After the 2nd world war there was rise of bipolarity and emergence of nuclear deterrence. Hence the ideal conditions for the operation of balance of power have ceased to exist.
Scholars like T V Paul, Michael Fortman and John Wirtz in their book titled balance of power: Theory and Practice in 21st century have analysed the relevance of balance of power and have concluded that there is a little possibility of operationalising the traditional balance of power politics because of the emergence of unipolarity against single super power. There is no option of hard balancing and nations can go only for soft balancing. They also mention the concept of asymmetrical balancing by the nation states against non state actors.
●Conclusion: Even though scholars question the relevance in 21st century because of the changed context yet no rational actor can over look the relevance of balance of power as David Hume has suggested that balance of power will remain relevant till the time common sense remain relevant.
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