
Showing posts from October, 2019

GS QUESTION...... Substantiate, with examples, the view that the Indian Constitution is a hallmark of rigid and flexible constitution. How has this rigidity and flexibility helped the Indian Constitution for more than seven decades, while many other decolonised countries have either replaced or subverted their respective constitutions?

Question.. Substantiate, with examples, the view that the Indian Constitution is a hallmark of rigid and flexible constitution. How has this rigidity and flexibility helped the Indian Constitution for more than seven decades, while many other decolonised countries have either replaced or subverted their respective constitutions? POINTS -  I. Rigid & flexible feature of constitution  II. Features & nature of amendments of constitution  III. Features of Balance of change & continuity  IV. Conclusion  ANSWER -                  Based upon the provisions made for its amendment, a constitution can be flexible or rigid or a mixture of both. A flexible constitution can be amended by ordinary law-making exercise, while a rigid constitution can be amended by a very difficult and special procedure. As regards to Indian constitution, it strikes a balance between rigidi...

PSIR QUESTION ...25. Compare classical realism with structural realism. Do you think realism is a scientific explanation of international politics?

Today's question.... Compare classical realism with structural realism. Do you think realism is a scientific explanation of international politics? Points - Give a brief introduction about realism Briefly explain classical and structural realism Discuss similarities and differences between the two traditions Conclude first part on following lines Evaluate the realist claim of its theory as scientific Answer - ●Give a brief introduction about realism Academic study of international relations is overwhelmingly a debate about realism. Different schools of thought define themselves and their contribution through realism. Realism is not a single theory. Great diversity and divergences exist between its various sub-schools. However all realists tend to converge of four central propositions: 1. Group-ism: Politics takes place between and within groups. Today the most important groups are nation-states and the most important source of in-groupism is nationalism; 2. Ego...

PSIR QUESTION ...32 . What are the institutional weaknesses in the Ministry of external affairs? Give suggestions to reform the ministry.

Today's question...What are the institutional weaknesses in the Ministry of external affairs? Give suggestions to reform the ministry. Points - Write briefly about MEA Give the institutional weaknesses Give suggestions to reform the ministry Conclude Answer - ●Write briefly about MEA Ministry of External Affairs of India is the government agency responsible for the conduct of foreign relations of India. The Ministry comes under Government of India and is responsible for the country's representation in the United Nations. It also advises other Ministries and State Governments when the latter have dealings with foreign governments or institutions. ●Give the institutional weaknesses MEA has a little over 900 diplomats, far fewer than Brazil (1,200), the UK (6,000) and the US’ State Department, which has over 20,000 diplomats. Pallavi Raghvan adds that the ministry can at best handle a couple of major challenges at a time. It handles crises well whereby it conce...

PSIR QUESTION... 31. How India can and why India must shape Asia's future political order

Today's question....How India can and why India must shape Asia's future political order? Points -- Give the importance of Asia Explain why India must shape Asia’s future political order Tell how India can shape Asia’s future political order Conclusion  Answer - ●Give the importance of Asia As one of the world’s oldest continuing civilisations, India has always been enriched by its interaction with other cultures and civilisations around it. As India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru told the delegates to the 1947 Asian Relations Conference in Delhi, India is “so situated to be the meeting point of western and northern and eastern and southeast Asia. Streams of culture have flowed from India to distant parts of Asia". If the idea of a culturally interconnected Asia animated the Indian national movement, the hopes of constructing an “Asian Federation” emerged as an aspiration on the international stage. According to C Raja Mohan, the fact is tha...

PSIR QUESTION... 30. What is the relationship between regionalism and globalization? Is regionalism a stepping stone or a stumbling block?

Today's question... What is the relationship between regionalism and globalization? Is regionalism a stepping stone or a stumbling block? Points - Define regionalism & globalization Explain the relationship between them Give conclusion Answer - ●Define regionalism & globalization Regionalism and globalisation are two very different concepts: yet they inevitably work together. In international relations, regionalism is the expression of a common sense of identity and purpose combined with the creation and implementation of institutions that express a particular identity and shape collective action within a geographical region. Anthony Giddens defines globalisation as the intensification of worldwide social relations linking distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many thousands of miles away and vice versa. ●Explain the relationship between them Regional economic blocs have tended to be formed in part becaus...

PSIR QUESTION... 28. Discuss the progress towards the improvement of status of woman since the adoption of Beijing action plan.

today's question..... Discuss the progress towards the improvement of status of woman since the adoption of Beijing action plan. Points -  Describe Beijing Action Plan Discuss the progress happened over the years Give conclusion Answer - ●Describe Beijing Action Plan “ Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action” was a resolution adopted by the UN at the end of the Fourth World Conference on Women on 15 September 1995. The resolution adopted to promulgate a set of principles concerning the equality of men and women. ●Discuss the progress happened over the years In 2015, Beijing + 20 review meeting was held in New York to review the 20 years implementation at National and regional level and to decide Post-2015 action for gender equality. The progress as discussed in the meeting was mixed with several positives with hosts of concerns remaining. Many women survive on less than $2 a day and the problem of feminization of poverty is still persistent. At primary scho...

PSIR QUESTION.. 29. Critically examine the justification of democratic peace theory. Give suggestion to make world order more democratic.

Today's question....Critically examine the justification of democratic peace theory. Give suggestion to make world order more democratic. Points -  Briefly explain democratic peace theory Give points both in favor & against the theory Give suggestions to make world order more democratic Give conclusion. Answer - Briefly explain democratic peace theory Democratic peace theory pioneered by US Scholar Michael Doyle is a theory which posits that democracies are hesitant to engage in armed conflict with other identified democracies. In contrast to theories explaining war engagement, it is a "theory of peace" outlining motives that dissuade statesponsored violence. Give points both in favor & against the theory Study by J.L. Ray found that democracies are more likely to ally with one another than with other states, forming alliances which are likely to last longer than alliances involving non-democracies. Spencer R. Weart says that democracies ...

PSIR QUESTION... 27. Examine the relevance of nuclear deterrence in the age of complex interdependence. What is the role of norms in nuclear non-proliferation

Today's question....Examine the relevance of nuclear deterrence in the age of complex interdependence. What is the role of norms in nuclear non-proliferation? Points - Explain nuclear deterrence Explain complex interdependence Explain how complex interdependence has rendered nuclear deterrence ineffective Conclude first part on following lines Examine the role of norms in nuclear non-proliferation Answer - ●Explain nuclear deterrence Deterrence is a realist approach to peace. It means discouraging an aggressor to act, by instilling doubt or fear in their mind about the possible consequences of the action. THOMAS SHELLING describes nuclear deterrence as the idea that if there were even a small risk that conventional attack would cause an opponent to escalate to nuclear conflict in response, that risk would deter the conventional attack. Realists consider nuclear deterrence as the most important factor behind the nonoccurrence of Third World War. They argue that ...

PSIR QUESTION... 26. Is the concept of balance of power still relevant in the 21st century? Give arguments in support of your views.

Today's question 26.. Is the concept of balance of power still relevant in the 21st century? Give arguments in support of your views Points - Introduction: Explain the basic concepts related to balance of power Discuss the relevance of balance of power: Why there is a question mark? Conclusion: Answer - ●Introduction: Explain the basic concepts related to balance of power. Balance of power is considered as fundamental law of International politics at par with Newton’s theory of gravity . Balance of power is based on realist assumptions and is based on the interactions between states in Europe originating gin 17th century Westphalian world order. Balance of power works in a situation of multi polarity. It is applicable in a regional context. The basic assumptions behind this theory are that international actor is absent, international politics is anarchical, nations are interested in protection of national interest. For the sake of protection on national inter...

PSIR QUESTION... 24. Discuss the evolution on political sociology and what are the strengths and weaknesses of political sociology approach?

Today's question.. Discuss the evolution on political sociology and what are the strengths and weaknesses of political sociology approach? Points  Start by defining comparative politics and Political Sociology Approach Give the evolution of Political Sociology Approach Give the strength Give the weaknesses Conclusion  Answer - ●Start by defining comparative politics and Political Sociology Approach Comparative politics is the study and appraisal of domestic politics across countries. Amongst several approaches, political sociology explores to understand the process of interaction between government and society, decision making authorities and conflicting social forces andinterests. It is the study of interactions and relationships between politics and civilisation; between a political system and its social, economic and cultural environment. ●Give the evolution of Political Sociology Approach Political Sociology can be traced as back to Aristotle’s “Theo...

PSIR QUESTION...... 23. Write short note on over developed state.

Today's question.. Write short note on over developed state. Points  Define State and give Alavi’s definition of over-developed State Elaborate on over-developed State Give conclusion Answer  ●Define State and give Alavi’s definition of over-developed State Concept of State comprises the core of Political thought. Political thought has been defined as “thought about the State, its structure, its nature, and its purpose”. Hamza Alavi by the theory of over-developed state, gives an account of the vacuum that is present in between the state and society with regards to modernity. There exists a structural mismatch exists between the 'political' and 'social' evolution in post-colonial societies. ●Elaborate on over-developed State Alavi, a Pakistani sociologist applied his Structuralist approach regarding dominance of State in South Asian countries, and talked about the State in 3rd world countries which developed faster than their societies. Their...

PSIR QUESTION 22.. Suggest how electoral systems can be made more representative so that democracy doesn't become tyranny of majority?

Today's question.... Suggest how electoral systems can be made more representative so that democracy doesn't become tyranny of majority Points - Start on following lines Give suggestions on electoral reforms Conclusion  Answer - ●Start on following lines Democracy can be defined as a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free and fair elections. This fairness is at the very heart of democracy and elections are essential pre-requisites of any successful democracy. However, some scholars have been skeptical of representative democracy in fear of getting transformed into tyranny of majority like Alexis De Tocqueville, JS Mill. Ortega Gasset in her work "Revolt of Masses" also expressed her fear of mobocracy. Representative democracy was seen as apprehensive also by scholars like Almond, Verba. Electoral reform is a br...

PSIR QUESTION 21.. What is the relevance of comparative method for political analysis? Explain the limitations of traditional methods.

Today's question...... What is the relevance of comparative method for political analysis? Explain the limitations of traditional methods. Points - Briefly define comparative politics Give its relevance in political analysis Give limitations of traditional methods Conclusion  Answer - ●Briefly define comparative politics Comparative politics is the study and appraisal of domestic politics across countries. Comparative politics has a long and very eminent history dating back just before the origin of systematic political studies in ancient Greece and Rome. Comparative government studies were used by political researchers to get correct and valid conclusions regarding the nature and organisation of state and government. Their major objective was to discover the historical and legal similarities and dissimilarities among the various governments and their political institutions. ●Give its relevance in political analysis Amongst several reasons for relevance of compa...

PSIR QUESTION.. 20. Explain the evolution of doctrine of basic structure and what are the criticisms levelled against the doctrine of basic structure?

Today's question.. Explain the evolution of doctrine of basic structure and what are the criticisms levelled against the doctrine of basic structure? Points - Define the doctrine of basic structure Discuss the evolution of this doctrine Criticism against such doctrine Conclusion  Answer - ●Define the doctrine of basic structure The basic structure doctrine is an Indian judicial principle that the Constitution of India has certain basic features that cannot be altered or destroyed through amendments by the parliament. The basic features of the Constitution have not been explicitly defined by the Judiciary, and the claim of any particular feature of the Constitution to be a "basic" feature is determined by the Court in each case that comes before it. ●Discuss the evolution of this doctrine The evolution of Basic Structure was a long drawn study when in Champakam Dorairajan case (1951) Supreme Court said that "law" word used in 13(2) implies...

PSIR QUESTION 19.. . Discuss the legacy of British state on the present Indian state.

Today's question..19.  Discuss the legacy of British state on the present Indian state. Points - Briefly tell about British rule Tell the positive legacy of British Rule Tell the negative legacy of British Rule Conclusion  Answer  ●Briefly tell about British rule British rule on Indian State lasted roughly from 1858 to 1947 where it functioned as the guardian of a system of connected markets maintained by means of military power, business legislation and monetary management. ●Tell the positive legacy of British Rule British rule gave a mix of legacies where few were to cherish about and some to lament over. Some of the positives included English as medium of communication and learning of science. It later became a tool to unify the nation during language controversy of 1950s. An extensive network of dense railways where maximum states were covered by railway tracks and more than 55,000km of lines were laid. Such well laid railways helped in mass mobiliz...

PSIR QUESTION 18.. .Why quit India movement known as most un-gandhian of all Gandhian movements? What are the distinct features of Gandhian mass movements

Today's question..18 Why quit India movement known as most un-gandhian of all Gandhian movements? What are the distinct features of Gandhian mass movements Points - Start by briefly introducing Quit India Movement Explain why it was the most Ungandhian movement Tell about Gandhi and distinct features of mass movements Conclusion  Answer - ●Start by briefly introducing Quit India Movement Following the adoption of 8 August 1942 resolution at Gowalia tank in Bombay, Indian masses undertook perhaps the most militant nationalist movement known as Quit India movement. It was a call for nothing less than freedom, as Gandhi announced while articulating his thought on this Anti-British counter-offensive. ● Explain why it was the most Ungandhian movement Unlike Non-Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement which were basically non-violent campaigns against the British rule in India, Quit India movement was an ultimatum to British for final withdrawal. Quit In...

PSIR QUESTION 17. Compare Buddhist tradition of political philosophy with Hindu tradition.

Q. Compare Buddhist tradition of political philosophy with Hindu tradition. Points - Start by giving brief introduction on both traditions Give differences between both Give similarities between both Conclusion  Answer - ●Start by giving brief introduction on both traditions According to Bhikhu Parekh, Buddhism was a rebel child of Hinduism with host of similarities amongst plethora of differences especially in foreign and State policies. It can be said that Hindu tradition of political thought met its most radical critique at the hands of Buddhism. ●Give differences between both Hinduism believes in four goals of life- Dharma, Artha, Kaam, Moksha and don’t reject materialism, whereas Buddhism initially talked about leaving worldly pleasures though later on adapted middle path. Hinduism believes in caste based society or Varna system with functional specialization supporting monarchy, whereas Buddhism is egalitarian in nature and supports republican model and e...

PSIR QUESTION.. 16 .. ... What are the chief components of Radical Humanism? What is the relevance of Radical Humanist thought in the age of globalisation?

Today's question ...16.  What are the chief components of Radical Humanism? What is the relevance of Radical Humanist thought in the age of globalisation? Points -  Start with introduction of MN Roy and briefly define his idea Explain Radical Humanism and its components Tell the relevance of Radical Humanist thought in age of globalization Give conclusion Answer - ●Start with introduction of MN Roy and briefly define his idea Radical Humanism or New Humanism was a philosophy of MN Roy which enunciates the supremacy of the eternal urge of freedom where the philosophy aims at truly liberating the man and keeping him at centre of the radical state or a state which is free from any other identity. MN Roy’s idea of Radical Humanism emerges out of Renaissance philosophy of Humanism which advocated individualistic approach to moral problems. ●Explain Radical Humanism and its components Radical Humanism is cosmopolitan in outlook. Like Gandhi, Aurobindo, Tagore, R...

PSIR QUESTION 15..Compare Ambedkar and Gandhi’s views on social justice.

Q 15. Compare Ambedkar and Gandhi’s views on social justice. Points -  Start the answer by explaining Social Justice and give brief introduction of Ambedkar and Gandhi Give differences between their views Give similarities between their views Answer - Start the answer by explaining Social Justice and give brief introduction of Ambedkar and Gandhi Justice is a architonic idea and a fundamental concept in Political Theory. Social justice is the fair and just relation between the individual and society. It has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what was their due from society. The way Bhikhu Parekh calls Buddhism as rebel child of Hinduism, Ambedkar can also be symbolized as rebel child of Gandhi who had host of similarities and differences in their views on Social Justice. Give differences between their views Ambedkar was critic of Manuvaad, and he believed Varna system led by Brahmanism responsible for i...

PSIR QUESTION 14. Compare Kautilya with Machiavelli. Should Kautilya be called as Indian Machiavelli?

question 14..Compare Kautilya with Machiavelli. Should Kautilya be called as Indian Machiavelli? Points  1.Give a brief introduction of Kautilya & Machiavell 2.Give similarities between Kautilya and Machiavelli 3.Give differences between Kautilya and Machiavelli 4.Tell whether Kautilya should be called Indian Machiavelli & conclude Answer - Give a brief introduction of Kautilya & Machiavelli  There are two names celebrated in history for an exposition of the theory of StatecraftKautilya and Machiavelli. Kautilya, a teacher of political morals is a contemporary and guide of Chandragupta Maurya and is the author of Arthashastra which deals with all the doctrines concerned with practical life, economics, administration and politics. Machiavelli who was the first to sense the upheaval of Renaissance is the author of “Prince” treats mainly of statecraft and lays down conditions that are necessary for the establishment and operation of machinery of a stron...